The difference between Sleeve Gastrectomy and gastric bypass

The difference between Sleeve Gastrectomy and gastric bypass

Patients hesitate between the different definitions and types of obesity surgeries, so we will now explain two of the most important bariatric surgeries and the difference between them, as they are the most prevalent bariatric surgeries and have achieved great success in the treatment of obesity, namely: Sleeve gastrectomy و gastric bypass surgery Who is the appropriate patient for each operation and how is the operation determined for the patient, with Dr. Ahmed Hosny

What is the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy?

The stomach is reduced to become a small tube the size of a small banana (called a gastric sleeve because the stomach is in doubt after the operation), where 75% to 85% of the stomach is removed.

Food passes through the new stomach tube directly into the duodenum. Nutrients and calories from food are naturally absorbed and therefore we need to take vitamins after the sleeve gastrectomy for only one year


In the process of gastric sleeve gastrectomy, the dome of the stomach is removed, which secretes the largest proportion of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for feeling hungry, which makes the gastric sleeve feel full faster and longer. Sleeve gastrectomy is performed laparoscopically and can be a permanent surgical solution for weight control.

  • You must Commitment to the doctor’s instructions after the operation to exercise, not press on the stomach while eating, and reduce the consumption of sweets, fats, and soft drinks.
  • Vitamins must be taken after the sleeve gastrectomy for one year, and then follow-up analyzes are done to make sure that there is no deficiency in the vitamins, and then the vitamins are stopped and life continues normally.
  • The gastric sleeve operation is performed if all attempts at diet (diet) and sports fail.

Success story of gastric sleeve surgery 

Laparoscopic R-Y Gastric Bypass surgery

  1. A small stomach pouch is made from the upper part of the stomach. The intestine is attached to this new stomach.
  2.  The remaining bulk of the stomach and part of the intestine are bypassed. The process of rerouting limits the amount of food consumed and reduces the calories and nutrients that are absorbed from the food. Therefore, most people maintain their ideal weight in the long term after bypass surgery.
  3. Vitamins must be taken after the gastric bypass surgery for two years, after which a healthy diet must be adhered to and follow-up analyzes should be done every 6 months to ensure that there is no deficiency of vitamins.
  4. The absorption of the medicine is not affected after the bypass surgery.
  5. Food absorption is reduced by only 30%.

According to the results of studies conducted at the Medical Center in Cleveland, Florida, USA, research revealed that gastric sleeve is a relatively safe and effective procedure for patients with morbid obesity. However, longer studies have found that gastric bypass gives better long-term results in maintaining an ideal weight than sleeve gastrectomy


What is the difference between laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass? 

Sleeve gastrectomy has many benefits and gastric bypass is considered more effective based on long-term outcome statistics.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a successful and safe operation to reach the obese person to the ideal weight, but it requires a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and food behaviors after reaching the ideal weight to maintain the weight.

  • Gastric bypass surgery is the best option for obese and type 2 diabetics.
  • It is not recommended to perform a gastric sleeve for those who suffer from a gluttony for eating sweets or for those who suffer from reflux in the esophagus
  •  If you are taking anti-inflammatory medications, which may cause ulcers if gastric bypass surgery works, a gastric sleeve is best for you.

How do I know the appropriate operation for me?

The decision about the procedure that is best for you can be made with your treating surgeon after considering factors including your medical condition, medications, previous surgeries and your nutritional history as these factors will play a role in this decision.”

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